Keeping Your Cat Indoors
Did you know that one of the best things you can do for your kitty is kept her inside? Cats may enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, exercise,...
Did you know that one of the best things you can do for your kitty is kept her inside? Cats may enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, exercise,...
It’s nearing the holiday season again, and most of you will decorate your homes and may use flowers and other decorative plants to make...
The majority of pets will eventually develop dental issues. This is commonly due to the lack of a dental routine at home and regular...
When you have a Tibetan Mastiff, you don't need to worry that an invader can come inside your house while you're sleeping at night....
There are many behaviors that you may find weird among cats. But there are reasons for that. Maybe they're ill, stressed, or unwell. The...
Some things are meant to be together. This concept applies to living beings too, like cats. Some cats tend to co-exist or live in the...
Various car and motion sickness treatments are available for pet dogs. How effective each variety would depend on how severe your dog’s...
Dogs do many tricks. But, you may find them doing something at times that is somewhat embarrassing — scooting their bottom onto the...
Generally, when a dog reaches the age of 2 to 7 years, they are considered adults. As they get to that stage in life, most of the...
Just like people, cats who have developed arthritis experience discomfort, pain, and limitation with motion. Unfortunately, arthritis...
Cats are one of the most loved pets around the world. The joy they bring to each household is incomparable. And as a result, they live...
There are two primary reasons why wet food is more beneficial for your feline friends: Hydration Cats are picky water drinkers. Because...
Eggs of intestinal parasites can be found anywhere and they are sources of infection on your dogs, cats, and humans as well. We can be...
Your pets are among those that suffer from the impacts of a storm. Why? It is because they get easily scared and uncomfortable. Their...
One of the challenges of taking care of a pet is recognizing when the pet is ill. Some exotic pets look normal and do not manifest any...
Would you be able to afford a pet cat? You may have figured out a complete list of things to buy and thought hard about how ready you...
Does your pooch make a clicking sound when he walks across the floor? If so, he may need a nail trim. It may not sound like overgrown...
Keeping a cat indoors provides advantages since it reduces the possibilities of trauma from being struck by a car, bite wounds from cat...
Know the quality of your dog's food, and monitor how your dog's body reacts to its ingredients. Also, always talk to the vet first before...
The Burmese cats are medium-sized cats that can grow for up to 12 lbs for females and greater than 12 lbs for males. Typically, they...