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Grooming Cats Suffering From Arthritis

If your arthritic cat has difficulty maintaining her usual appearance, then you may need to help her with clipping her claws and brushing her fur. Arthritic cats usually develop overgrown claws since they would have stopped utilizing their scratching items or could not reach them for grooming. Regularly trimming your cat’s nails keeps them short, reducing the pressure exerted on the animal’s feet. This also stops her claws from growing too long that your cat feels pain and limps while walking. Remember to also trim the dewclaws because they can dig into the cat’s skin, perhaps causing an infection.

Grooming is another ideal way of spending time with your pet. It improves the bond between you and your cat.

Your cat might already be old, perhaps feeling joint pains. In this case, the recommendation is that you include mental stimulation activities like play and environmental enrichment. Offering your cat play opportunities, particularly ones that utilize her predatory instincts, stimulates her mentally and physically. Try activities such as moving rods that have toy mice on one end, allowing your pet to “catch” the prey.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Frisco TX.


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