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Cavies Thrive In Colonies

Guinea pigs are known to be quite fearful and skittish, particularly if they’re not accustomed to human interactions. These demeanors may...

Colds in Guinea Pigs Like the Texel

Can guinea pigs like the Texel catch a cold? Can he catch your cold? Some believe that their pets can catch human colds, but this is not...

Where to Buy a Peruvian Guinea Pig

If you’re thinking about purchasing a guinea pig, talk to your local vet about what type or breed of guinea pig to look for. For...

How Do Guinea Pigs Get Mites ?

A small number of mites in guinea pigs is quite normal and is not usually a cause for concern as they won’t usually give rise to any...

Guinea Pigs and Eye Health

Did you know that eye care is an important part of your guinea pig’s overall health and wellness? If you notice your guinea pig is having...

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