Are you looking to take home a new pet today? Perhaps you're the type who considers the animal you take care of to be an extension of yourself. Maybe you like the idea of people stopping and saying in your direction, "Wow. There's something you don't see every day."
If that's the case, a hedgehog might be a good companion for you. A hedgehog is tiny like a chinchilla and adorable like a dog, but one thing is for sure. You can cuddle with one as much as your hedgehog would allow. You're probably anxious about the spikes on their body, but it's unlikely that they'd use that to harm you.
When a hedgehog is in a bad mood, it may roll into a ball with only the spikes visible as protection from potential aggressors. That's the only time a hedgehog will use those, and even then, it's still on defense mode and not offense.
Your veterinarian Derby is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.