Excessive grooming is the cats' counterpart for nail-biting.
You can manage this by consulting your vet first about ruling out the possible medical causes. An expert in cats' behavioral issues teaches pet owners the basics of massage therapy to help relax cats. She also has a deep understanding of acupressure for relieving pain. Most cat parents don't know how to make their cats end their bad habit, so they just give up. There are times when they're not even aware that their cat has poor behavior. Often, these bad habits are caused by a medical problem, so experts also rule out illnesses/injuries by examining their patients.
Instead of making her patient lie down on a couch, a behavioral expert uses the feline's behavior, noise, and body language; pets usually try to communicate their problems. This, together with asking questions on whether your cat does this and that, helps the veterinarian arrive at a diagnosis.
Excessive hair loss or other skin and hair coat issues should be brought to the attention of your nearest veterinarian Raleigh, NC.