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Do Cats Need More Than One Litter Box ?

Wondering if your American Wirehair or other breed feline needs more than one litter box? Just ask your vet or local pet store associate...

Possible Symptoms of Epilepsy in Topaz Gerbils

Epilepsy can occur in 20 to 40% of gerbils of all breeds including Topaz gerbils. Your vet can tell you that most seizures occurring in...

How to Prepare Your Lorikeet for Show Season

If you are entering your bird in a show, make sure you talk to others going to learn about show prepping and bird prepping. Whether...

Eye Injury in Dogs Like the Papillon

Eye injuries can be a common occurrence in many of our canine companions including the Papillon. Eye injuries; however, should always be...

Taking Your Dog Hiking

Do you like exploring new trails with your canine buddy? Dogs love going to new places. However, their sense of adventure and curiosity...

Tips For Grooming Your Pet Cat

All cats need to be groomed. Although cats are capable of grooming themselves, they will need help from others like the professional...

How To Take Care Of Your Pet's Paw Pads

Regularly inspect your pet’s paw pads. Spread apart his toes gently and check the paw padding’s sides as well as between the toes for any...

Symptoms of Cognitive Decline in Senior Cats

Cats, like people, are also vulnerable to age-related diseases. Their organs, for example, gradually become less effective as they age,...

Can Ferrets Eat Cat Treats?

Even if both cats and ferrets are carnivorous animals, each has varying nutritional requirements. Regarding pet treats, you will have to...

Understanding Feline Leukemia

The feline leukemia virus or FeLV is a contagious disease that affects cats. FeLV comes from retrovirus, which renders the immune system...

Does Your Cat Need A Bath?

It is a common belief that cats do not need to take a bath. The reason for this is that they are capable of grooming themselves. They...

Hassle-Free Road Trips With Your Pet

If you have plans to go on a road trip with your pet, you need to go over some details first. If you are well-prepared, you are sure to...

What You Need To Know About Hamster Balls

One of the accessories that you can give to your pet hamster is the monster ball. The hamster can get inside this ball and get some...

Anti-Rabies Vaccine Is Important For Pets

An anti-rabies vaccine is an effective way to protect your pet from rabies infection. After all, rabies is a deadly virus that is easily...

Are Cats Like the Balinese at Risk for FeLV ?

The FeLV virus is also referred to as the Feline Leukemia Virus and its found only in cats like the Balinese and other breeds. The virus...

Cats Like the Balinese Living with FeLV

Did you know that the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) can affect all breeds of cats including the Balinese cat? If your cat has been...

Getting Ready For Grooming Your Pet At Home

Because all dogs are individuals, you will have to find out what sort of grooming activities your pet requires and how often. In...

Stop Your Dog's Barking

Canines are born with the ability to bark. It is how they communicate with other dogs and their owners. On the other hand, some dogs...

How Carrier Cats Spread Cat Flu

Cat flu is a viral disease that can be transferred from one cat to another. What’s more, unvaccinated cats are highly likely to catch...

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