A cat’s gag reflex is triggered by a lot of factors around them that overpower their senses such as strong odor, undesirable taste, having ingested something toxic or unfavorable, and other triggering factors. An example of such factors includes strongly scented perfumes and essential oils. Aside from that, here are some factors found around the cat’s environment that might trigger their gag reflex:
Vape or cigarettes – smoke and ash particles from cigarettes are caught on your cat’s fur and ingested by your cat when they groom. The same goes with vaping, chemicals become airborne as smoke and attach to your cat’s hair.
Scented litter or liners for litter boxes – the scent will be perceived too strongly by cats since they have a very keen sense of smell causing them to stop using the litter entirely.
Laundry products – detergents and soap used for laundry have a tendency to have a strong scent that lingers for a long time on fabric and can overpower your cat’s sense of smell resulting in sneezing, choking, and gagging.
If your cat exhibits these symptoms constantly, take her to an veterinary clinic Carmel Valley for a thorough checkup.