Do you have an appointment with an eye doctor coming up? If so, you'll want to bring a few things along with you.
One thing you would want to make sure you have is the appropriate health care card. You'd need to bring cards for both medical and vision policies.
Another thing that is important is to bring any medications you are taking. You can bring the bottles, but you can also bring a list. Even if you think something could have no impact on your sight, it's best to play it safe.
You should also have any eyewear you have with you. This includes sunglasses, readers, and glasses. It's really handy to be able to show your doctor what you're wearing, in case they have questions or want to go over something with you.
Last but not least, don't forget to take any notes with any questions or concerns you may have.
Has it been a while since your last appointment? It's in your best interests to go as soon as possible. Contact your Tustin, CA optometry center to schedule an exam.