The sun is so powerful that it can harm the different parts of your body, especially when you overexpose yourself to it. Avoid staring for long in the sun as the radiation will impact your vision. The eyes are made up of soft tissues. These tissues can easily be damaged when encountering an object as hot as the sun. This condition is known as solar retinopathy, which leads to the development of eye conditions, blind spots, and even the complete loss of eyesight.
There are specific hours of the day when the sun shines the brightest. This happens at noon. As much as possible, keep yourself indoors during these hours, or wear sunglasses to protect your eyes if you have to go out. A wide hat can also be an alternative if you have no sunglasses. When you accidentally look at the sun, close your eyes and look away immediately. Even a short time spent staring at the sun will cause you to experience temporary symptoms. Luckily, they will eventually alleviate after a few hours. However, if this does not happen, consult your optometrist Oxnard, CA immediately.