Cataracts are quite common in seniors. However, did you know that sometimes children can get them, too? While age-related cataracts are the most common type, they aren't the only kind.
Cataracts aren’t terribly common in children. About three children in every 10,000 develop them. Some of these are congenital cataracts, which are present at birth. Kids can also develop cataracts. These are known as acquired cataracts. These can be in one eye, which is a unilateral cataract, or both eyes, which would be bilateral. There are several possible causes, such as genetics and metabolic issues. Left untreated, they do pose a risk of vision loss.
Cataracts in children are often asymptomatic at first. Potential signs include a failure to react to light, lazy eye, or other vision trouble.
Cataracts are treatable. Mild cases may only need vision wear. However, in some cases, surgery may be the best bet. This is a very common procedure. The eye surgeon will remove that clouded lens, and replace it with a clear artificial one. This is called an intraocular lens implant (IOL).
If you know or suspect that you may be a candidate for cataract surgery, make an appointment, or contact your Marysville, WA optometry center.