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Eye Problems: What to Expect as You Age

When there is increased pressure inside the eyes, the natural flow of the liquid between the lens and cornea will be blocked. This...

Fun Facts About Your Dog’s Paw Pads

Dog paws are crucial to their daily activities. Unlike humans, dog walks barefoot everywhere they go. They can walk on snow, sand, or...

Cold Weather Fun With Your Dog

Your dog must maintain his activity levels when the winter months come. Physical exercise can maintain your dog’s health and alertness. ...

Cats Thrive With Animal-Based Protein Nutrition

In a feline’s diet, protein is needed for them to grow healthy and strong. Don’t forget felines are carnivorous animals. Despite the...

Care Needs of Korat Cats

This rare and beautiful breed needs your full attention and love. To prolong their life, they need to receive proper nutrition and...

Satisfying Your Cat’s Dietary Needs

As part of your responsibility as a pet parent, you must make sure that your cat is taking in ample amounts of nutrients in her diet as...

Uses Of Horse Shoe In Winter

Have you decided whether to remove the shoes on your horse? Doing so is a perfect chance for the horse to get some rest from wearing...

Help A Skinny Horse Gain Weight

When you are sure that your horse is not suffering from any medical condition, you can help it gain weight by adding calories to its...

Healthy Foods for Cats Under Weight Loss Program

The perfect foods to give your cats under strict diet control for weight loss are those packed with nutrients. Even in smaller...

Why Cocker Spaniels Are Popular Pets

There are plenty of dog breeds but the Cocker Spaniel is very popular among the others. This dog breed is widely recognized for its...

Interesting History Of Tabby Persian Cats

Tabby Persian cats are the most lively type of Persian cats. Persian cats got their name from their place of origin, Persia, which is now...

Can Senior Cats Benefit From Supplements?

As a result of aging, your pet will have reduced efficiency in metabolizing and digesting food so it can be used by the body. To ensure...

Is Coconut Oil Beneficial For Dogs ?

Coconut oil has been known for its many health benefits to humans. It has been used as a supplement or an ingredient for meals. But do...

Why Your Cat Wants To Mark Her Territory

If you have a cat, you would know that they often find ways to mark their territory. As a cat owner, you would notice that your kitty...

Permethrin In Insecticide Is Toxic To Pets

Many insecticide products contain permethrin as a typical active component. These insecticides are used at home and on lawns for pest...

Forming Close Bonds With Your Pet Cat

After some time, your feline friend becomes inseparable from you, making you spend most of your time with her. Some people would find...

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