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Burmese Cats

The Burmese cats are medium-sized cats that can grow for up to 12 lbs for females and greater than 12 lbs for males. Typically, they could for up to 13 years. That means they need a long-term commitment for you.

These cats have a round head, tips of their ears, eyes, chin, and feet. This feature sets them apart from other cats. Other than that, Burmese cats have solid built. They are stocky and compact cats with great strength.

Overall, Burmese cats have friendly personalities. They also give trust quickly. While this can be good for them, sometimes it can cause some danger to your cats. They would not have a sense of danger, especially when they accidentally roam outdoors without your supervision.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Raleigh, NC.

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