Is your pet a bit of a curmudgeon? Kitties all have their own unique personality. Some are friendly and cuddly, and others are a bit grumpy.
If your cat has only recently started acting up, there's a chance that she is sick or in pain. Have your vet examine her, just to be safe. If your pet gets the all-clear, she may just be naturally cranky.
One thing that may help is giving your pet toys to take her aggression out on. Sometimes it is helpful for pets to blow off some steam, just as people do. Use toys that you can control to make things more fun and more challenging for her. If you have other pets, make sure that they don't have to compete for resources, such as food, and pay equal attention to all of them.
Aside from that, just don't force attention on your kitty. Your pet may surprise you by being cuddly when you least expect it!
Ask your veterinary clinic Norwalk, CA for more kitty care tips.