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Itch Relief For Dogs

The majority of canines experience seasonal allergies which lead them to scratch their bodies incessantly. These allergies could be the result of various causes and must be addressed immediately. But firstly, the underlying cause must be identified. The following are the necessary measures pet owners must take to alleviate and give relief of the itching and overall discomfort:

After going outdoors, wipe your pet's body, especially the paws, using a wet towel to clean the skin of allergens. The dog's feet must be dry before allowing him inside the house.

Purchase bath oils and shampoos that can relieve the itchiness in dry and flaky skin. It also decreases the chances of infection. One product to relieve discomfort and itchiness is oatmeal shampoo.

Don’t go to areas that are full of plants that cause contact allergies like the wandering Jew.

Do consult your nearest veterinarian Seminole, FL before giving any supplements to your pet.

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