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What To Expect When Your Kitty Becomes A Senior Cat

Cats mature and grow old. Like humans, cats undergo a life cycle that exposes them to numerous events in their lives. How can you tell...

Some Common Health Problems Of Gerbils

There are surely different pets out there that require meticulous attention and grooming, and gerbils are one of them. If you are...

Do You Want A Hedgehog For A Pet

Are you looking to take home a new pet today? Perhaps you're the type who considers the animal you take care of to be an extension of...

Keeping Your Pet Safe And Warm During Winter

A majority of pet owners know how much of the hot weather their pets can stand as the summer months come. At the same time, knowing your...

Will A Lizard Make An Ideal Pet For Your Child

Keeping a pet comes with great responsibility. This is not a simple task because you care for another living being. So, Pet owners must...

Can Pet Cats Have A Microchip ?

One good method of permanently identifying your pet cat is having her fitted with a microchip. It always stays on your cat and is quite...

Permethrin In Insecticide Is Toxic To Pets

Many insecticide products contain permethrin as a typical active component. These insecticides are used at home and on lawns for pest...

Advantages of Getting In-Home Pet Care

As much as pet parents dislike leaving their pets home, there are times that they need to stay. Pet parents don’t need to worry. These...

Some Tick-Borne Disease Can Affect People

Ticks are tiny bugs that cling to your dog and suck on their blood. There are even some species of ticks that can transmit a disease to...

Caution: Rodent Preys Can Bite Your Pet Reptile

Many reptiles feed on live rodents. Because of this, rodent bites are a primary cause of various infections and injuries in reptiles....

Do Gerbils Make Good Pets ?

Just like some people are dog people and some people are cat people, some people are gerbil people. Gerbils are actually quite popular as...

Does Your Cat Seem To Be Hiding Most Of The Time?

Cats sometimes feel the need to hide at some point in their lives. The cat may be feeling shy, skittish, or sleepy, and there is a need...

Why Are The Eyes Of Cats Big And Round

Cats possess large, ring-like orbs, a captivating attribute that reminds us of the eyes of human toddlers. That makes them one of the...

Do You Find These Degus Behaviors Peculiar ?

Degus are rodents who are fun, energetic, and sociable animals. When housed with other degus, they sometimes exhibit aggressive behavior...

Litter Box Maintenance

Poor litter box upkeep frequently causes cat mishaps. Cats despise filthy litter boxes. As such, cats seek out alternatives, carpet...

Joint Supplements For Pets

One of the naturally occurring supplements is glucosamine. This supplement is also known as a nutraceutical and has pharmacological...

Understanding The Behavior Of A Baby Snapping Turtle

If you are familiar with a baby snapping turtle, you would know that it bites when it is being aggressive. When they turn into adults,...

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