Ticks are tiny bugs that cling to your dog and suck on their blood. There are even some species of ticks that can transmit a disease to dogs as well as to people. That is why tick infestation must never be overlooked.
Common signs and symptoms exhibited by tick-carried diseases are fever, anemia, joint swelling, and weakness. There are also other species of ticks that cause tick paralysis, a form of paralysis that is temporary. Although in the majority of cases, after proper administration of treatment, there will be a reduced representation of symptoms.
It would not harm but help you if you check your dogs for ticks daily. Be a responsible owner and learn a way to safely remove these insects from our pets. It is essential to visit your nearest veterinarian and get your pup checked if you ever suspect a tick infestation most especially if it is common in your area. With that, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Work with your veterinarian Murrieta CA. The Vineyard Veterinary Hospital in creating a tick preventive program that will give year-round protection for your pet.