Felines who are experiencing feline acne need interventions. If this is not addressed immediately, it could become worse and one of the severe types of acne in cats is called idiopathic facial pruritus, commonly affecting Persian cats. Affected cats will show some symmetrical outline on their face especially around their chin and eyes, and black waxy substance on their hair and skin.
Intervention for feline acne includes the elimination of excess sebum to lessen incidences of comedones and resultant bacterial infection. As part of the management, an antibacterial wash containing the active ingredient chlorhexidine may be recommended by your veterinarian for mild cases. However, if your pet’s skin condition is already showing signs of secondary infection, a fungal medication or antibiotic treatment might be necessary, depending on the sensitivity test and bacterial culture results.
When provided with medication, make sure to follow the instructions of your veterinarian Wheat Ridge, CO on the dosage and duration of medication. Steroids may be used as short-term management of severe feline acne necessary for reducing inflammation. Read more here.