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Permethrin In Insecticide Is Toxic To Pets


Many insecticide products contain permethrin as a typical active component. These insecticides are used at home and on lawns for pest control. They could also be used as a treatment for head lice for humans too. This substance is classified as a neurotoxin. It has a toxic effect on an insect’s nervous system.

A lot of anti-tick and flea topical preparations also use permethrin as their active ingredient. Yes, products like these are typically safe when used on pet dogs, but these must not be used on pet cats because they could cause poisoning. Most cases of permethrin toxicosis in cats happen in homes that have a variety of pets, and the owners assume that treating both dogs and cats with the same medication is okay. These false assumptions regarding certain things could have negative impacts on the well-being and health of pets, perhaps even fatal.

Should you suspect that your cat has been administered with a permethrin-based product, take her to your veterinary hospital right away. Do not wait for any toxicity indicators to show because the situation is already too late by then.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your vets Rochester NY for proper medical attention.


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