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Can Dogs Stay at Hotels ?

Some hotels offer accommodations for pets, but you need to call ahead of time to book a room. Hotels tend to set apart a block of rooms...

Urinary Tract Infection in Pets

Did you know that your cat and/or dog can get a UTI? A UTI is a Urinary Tract Infection and it’s not only common in people, but it’s also...

What is a life stage diet?

You have a pet in your life who needs you to offer her plenty of healthy foods to eat on a daily basis. What should you know about a life...

Lactose Intolerance In Cats

Have you ever wondered why kittens don’t get digestive upsets when feeding on their mother’s milk? Many adult cats, on the other hand,...

Common feline habits

You have a cat in your life who has a lot of personal preferences and habits that are all her own. How can you tell if something she is...

Tyzzer's Disease In Small Mammals

Tyzzer’s disease is a bacterial infection which is caused by Clostridium piliforme. It can affect many types of small mammals, such as...

Ringworm In Rabbits And Guinea Pigs

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection that affect many types of mammals. It is caused by several species of fungi. In rabbits and guinea ...

Should My Dog Drink from Water Puddles?

It’s pretty common for dogs to drink from standing puddles of water especially if they have been on a long walk. However, it’s a good...

Picking Up After your Dog

Do you and your dog like to take long walks around the neighborhood or at local parks? That’s great. Walking or running outdoors is a...

Ask Before Petting a Cat

Cats are either friendly or they keep their distance. If a cat approaches you or even starts to wrap himself around your legs asking ...

Important Dog Obedience Commands

Your dog’s obedience training may have slipped because of your schedule or a lack of effort on your behalf. Consider focusing on just ...

Aggressive Behavior In Pet Rabbits

A rabbit that feels threatened or frightened can display aggressive behavior that can be directed towards other rabbits, other animals, ...

Why Your Pet Needs Fecal Exams?

Fecal exams or stool exams play a significant role in helping maintain your pet’s good health and well-being. Pets that are under one ...

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