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Fleas, Ticks, And Other External Parasites Of Cats


Cats are vulnerable to fleas, ticks, and other types of external parasites. Even if your kitty is an indoor-only cat, the possibility of being infected still exists. Itching is a common sign of fleas, however, there are cats that don’t exhibit any signs at all until the infestation has become quite heavy. On the other hand, some cats are allergic to flea saliva and even one bite can send them on a scratching and itching frenzy. If your cat is itching, check out his hair coat for any sign of fleas. If you don’t see any, try running a flea comb or a fine-toothed comb on your pet’s body. If there’s no trace of fleas but you can see pepper-like material on the comb, this could likely be the feces of fleas. Place the material on a piece of moist white paper. When it’s flea feces, it will dissolve and what’s left will be brownish or reddish stains which is actually digested blood. Consult your veterinarian Sarasota, FL about a flea product that you can use on your pet cat.



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