It’s not uncommon for our feline companions to acquire or even develop other kinds of illnesses as a result of their diabetes. Diabetic cats have been particularly known to have nerve problems. Refered to as Diabetic Neuropathy, the condition is known for failing cats’ nerves especially in the leg and hock area – located at the back of the legs. Cats suffering from this condition tend to walk on the back of their legs as supposed to walking on their ‘toes’ or paws – which cats are known for. This makes them look like they’re walking flat-footed. This unnatural movement eventually causes more problems to the cat’s nerves and consequently mobility issues crop-up. Owners should be keen on spotting the condition early on so their cats can receive the appropriate medical attention and perhaps reverse the process. If your pet has been diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy talk to your veterinarian Middletown, DE about treatment options that are available for your pet. Don’t be too alarmed, as cats that receive treatment early can recover fully.