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Heated Water Bowl for Your Cat

Are you one of those cat owners who has a cat that prefers to stay outdoors even during winter when the weather is freezing cold winter?...

Diet Tips For Pet Cats

Managing your pet cat’s diet should be on every owner’s agenda. Unlike us, our pets can’t choose what they’ll have for a meal. With ...

Fun Facts About the Australian Cattle Dog

Trying to find a fun loving, energetic, canine companion? Want a canine that can keep up on the trails and enjoy other outdoor adventures...

Why Do Cat's Have Rough Tongues?

Have you ever noticed that your cat has a pretty rough or coarse tongue? If your cat has licked you then you’ve probably felt the ...

The Burmese Cat

There are different feline breeds that can be found in unique spots around the world and then there are unique breeds that are found all...

Ringworm In Guinea Pigs

Ringworm is not caused by a worm; it is a fungal infection. Ringworm is zoonotic and highly contagious, a fact that pet owners should...

Tips To Prevent Skin Disease In Cats

While it is a fact that not all skin diseases in cats can be prevented, you can help safeguard your pet’s health and well-being by ...

Treats for your feline friend

You have a cat in your life who is eager to munch on some treats any time she can. What should you look for when choosing some for her?...

When should you housetrain your dog?

Your canine companion needs you to teach her the necessary skills in order to thrive in your care and lead a harmonious life within your...

Gum Disease Management and Prevention for Cats

If your adorable cat has bad breath (or halitosis) or tends to have too much buildup of plaque and tartar in its teeth and gum line, you...

Daily Water Consumption of Your Pet Cat

Do you have any idea how much water your pet cat should be consuming on a daily basis? Generally, your kitty’s drinking needs can be ...

Care Tips For A New Puppy

You just bought yourself a new pet pup. It’s all very exciting. And you’re very eager to give her all the care she needs daily. But do...

Obesity in Siberian Cat

If you’re worried about your Siberian cat’s weight, please call your vet to talk about this. Your vet can help you determine if your...

Exercising Your Ferret

Ferrets are quite energetic on their own, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need some type of structured exercise time. You can help your...

Nose Bleeds in Dogs

Did you know that nosebleeds in dogs are common? They can happen for a number of reasons. Some dogs may get a nose bleed if they are...

Eye Scratches in Dogs

Scratches to the eyes can be pretty common for dogs especially playful dogs that like to be outside and enjoy a good run through bushes,...

How to Properly Clean Your Dog’s Ears

Just like human ears, the ears of dogs generally have a self-cleaning mechanism that is built-in. However, there are times when your...

Playing With Your Puppy

Puppies use their mouth to investigate and explore their environment. They also use their mouths during play, which is a normal canine...

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