A lot of people all over the world are aware that cigarette smoke is dangerous to human health (not just for the cigarette smokers themselves, but for those who inhale the smoke --so-called second-hand and third-hand smokers-- as well). But have you ever wondered if cigarette smoke is hazardous to pets as well?
The truth is, pets can indeed be at risk of exposure to second-hand smoke (when a cigarette smoker exhales or puffs out cigarette smoke into the air). Meanwhile, third-hand smoke applies to the cigarette smoke residues that are left in the smoker's area such as the furniture, clothing, carpet, other surfaces, as well as the human skin. Second-hand smoke and third-hand smoke are technically referred to as environmental tobacco smoke or ETS, and experts have proven that ETS is hazardous to pets and animals. Dogs that live in a house with a smoker are at higher risk of acquiring respiratory illnesses.
Sudden changes in your pet’s health should be brought to the attention of your vets Leesburg, VA.