Did you know that the warmer months are the best times to buy blankets and coats for your dog? Most of the winter items are on clearance online and in pet stores. Clearance sales may also be going on at horse tack stores. Many horse blanket manufacturers also make great durable dog blankets. When you shop for a blanket, you may need to be familiar with the term weight and fill. These can be used interchangeably. The weight or fill refers to the amount of stuffing used in the blanket to provide warmth. If you are looking for something light to protect your dog from rain then choose a light weight or fill. These usually have a fill of 0g. If you want something that provides a little warmth then look for a fill of higher than 0. The higher the number the better the fill and the warmth it will also provide for your dog. Ask your vet Dutchess County, NY for tips.