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How Can Novel Proteins In Cat Food Help?

A “novel” protein means a new protein introduced to your cat that she hasn't eaten before. It can help reduce the allergic reactions in...

Diabetes And Eyesight

Your eyesight does not remain the same forever. As you age, your ability to see things declines because of several risk factors. One of...

Small Animal Litter Training

Not only cats but also small pets (rabbits, cavies, etc.) can be litter-trained with perseverance and patience. Right steps must be...

Bengal Cats

Mixed cat breeds never fail to amaze people of all ages. They come with adorable appearances, fascinating traits, and extraordinary...

Whisker Fatigue And Acne In Cats

Not only are they cute, but a cat's whiskers are also a significant part of being a cat. These sensitive organs allow cats to get into...

What Is A Bonded Pair Of Cats?

Often, we think that cats are more of an independent type of animal who loves being alone and undisturbed. But the truth is, they are...

Can Free-Feeding Help Keep Dogs Lean?

When dogs are free-fed and are able to control their food intake, the positive result can be seen in their lean bodies. If dogs have...

Entertainment Tips For Cats

Cats love staying in their comfort zone, which is their home, but sometimes they get bored and look for something more challenging. Here...

Cat Breed Profile: Singapura Cats

Have you heard about a cat breed known as Singapura? Yes, there is such. Though the name is a bit unusual for a cat, it may ring a bell...

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