Headbutting for cats is a love language. When your cat is trying to headbutt you, don't avoid her. Even though it is weird, it is her way of showing affection and love toward you.
This behavior has a scientific explanation. Cats have pheromones in their cheeks. Pheromones are olfactory chemical communications that cats use to talk to one another. Humans can not see pheromones using the naked eye. They use this chemical to mark you as their possession, so other cats will not intend to make you theirs.
Cats act in their own distinct and unique ways. Sometimes, even though you are the cat's owner, it is still hard to guess what she thinks. Using her body language to predict what is in your cat's mind is an excellent strategy for building a better relationship with her. Love your cat with all you have; she will do the same.
Your veterinarian Chesapeake, VA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and behavior. Learn more here,