Anesthesia In Pets
Several veterinary procedures need to be achieved by placing a pet under anesthesia. Different indications vary depending on the needs of...
Several veterinary procedures need to be achieved by placing a pet under anesthesia. Different indications vary depending on the needs of...
Do you have a senior cat on your hands? As your kitty grows older, she'll need some extra TLC. Just like people, cats can become more...
Deafness in felines can be acquired from birth or it could be a result of earwax build-up, a reaction to different medications,...
Heartworms can infect pets through a mosquito bite. Cats are not susceptible to heartworm infection like their canine counterparts...
A tick should be removed once discovered on you Pomeranian. If you’re not sure how to remove it, give your vet a call for assistance. If...
Choosing the kind of cat litter is equally crucial as selecting the size and design of the litter box. Decoding your pet’s preference for...
Taking care of a pet bird is not just a walk in the park, it is just like taking care of any other pets. Birds have different needs that...
Do you have an indoor cat? It’s easy for our indoor feline friends to become rather sedentary, lying around all day and packing on the...
Skunks spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened. If in case your pet came in contact with a skunk,...
Food allergies in pets are trickier to solve than any other cause of allergens. Different processes must be done to recognize the key...
When it comes to feeding your dog table scraps, your vet may suggest that you not feed your dog table scraps or he may suggest that you...
Watery or weepy eyes in your canine friends is not all that uncommon. If your dog’s eyes are watery or you see a yellow or green...
Did you know that as many as 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety? Almost a fifth of the population may have anxiety disorders. There...
Did you know that as many as 75 percent of adults aged 12-65 have suffered a headache within the past year? That's a really high number!...
Are you considering starting chiropractic treatments? One thing you may be wondering about is safety. As you probably know, chiropractic...
Are you aware that it's definitely not true that cat fur triggers an allergic reaction in cats? On the other hand, cat dander, to be...
It seems like cats and milk go hand-in-hand. And many cat owners probably feed their feline friends milk. But the truth is that cats and...
Do you have a dog that is trying to assume or take hold of the alpha leader role inside your household? A dog might try to grab the alpha...
You may have notice instances when your cat fails to respond to you when you call them. Under normal circumstances, when cats do this,...
Are you considering getting a kitten? If so, you may want to think about getting two. You not only get to enjoy twice the cuteness, twice...