Feline acne is a common problem in cats. It results from the excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, which forms into comedones or blackheads. When there is a presence of bacteria, infection develops, which causes inflammation and development of pus usually in the chin and surrounding areas. In severe feline acne cases, the cat suffers from hair loss, bleeding, lesions, and redness. Treatment of feline acne should be under the guidance of your animal doctor. Your veterinarian may prescribe topical products such as shampoos or antibacterial wash to help clean the acne. Anti-fungal creams and topical antibiotics are also safe in treating feline acne, as long as your veterinarian approves it. Your veterinarian may also put your cat under antibacterial treatment after undertaking a culture and sensitivity testing in severe cases. If you see your pet developing feline acne, bring it to the pet clinic California, MD for appropriate treatment.