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Ways to Treat Insulinoma in Panda Ferrets

Insulinoma can occur in ferrets like the Panda ferret. Symptoms may include lethargy, starring off into space, avoiding food, trouble...

Repairs for a Mobility Cart for Your Irish Setter

If your Irish Setter has been diagnosed with a disease that affects his mobility then your vet may suggest buying a dog wheelchair or...

Preventive Care For English Setters

There are screening tests performed before breeding that can be useful in minimizing the risks of the English Setter progeny developing...

Benefits Of Early Health Screening For Pets

Having health screening performed early for your pets will offer lasting benefits. Like humans, pets can also develop medical problems...

How To Tell If Your Dog Has Xylitol Poisoning

If you suspect that your dog is reacting to the xylitol it has ingested, the first sign to look out for is vomiting. After your dog...

Signs your Pomeranian may have Gingivitis

One of the more common signs of gingivitis in Pomeranians is bad breath? If your Pomeranian has bad breath then you should call to...

Tips To Enhance Your Dog's Wheelchair Experience

Small things could make a huge impact for pets that need to use a wheelchair like strength, weight, and the actual wheels on the chairs...

Do Pets Really Like To Wear Clothes?

A cat or a dog that wears some sort of costume may look pretty cute, but is this okay with them? Pet clothes are there mainly to keep the...

Weaning Bottle-Fed Kittens

Transitioning from feeding with a bottle to drinking using a feeding bowl is called weaning, and it does not happen overnight. Patience...

Does Your Pet Have Ringworm?

Contrary to its name, worms do not cause ringworm. It is a fungal infection that was so named because of the lesions left on the host’s...

Caring For Your Rabbit’s Teeth

Your pet rabbit’s teeth will continue growing throughout his lifetime, as with other lagomorphs. And so to prevent their pearly whites...

Behavior And Personalities Of Egyptian Maus

The breed known as the Egyptian Mau has more going for it than just their looks. They are also known to have charming personalities. Cats...

Some Reasons Why Bones Are Not Good For Your Pet Dog

There are quite a few reasons why a bone might not be a good idea to offer to your pet.  Below are four of them: Broken teeth and oral...

My Dog Has A Lump

It is close to impossible to say for sure that a bump or lump that you find in your pet is cancerous just by visual observation,...

Keep Your Dog Safe From Heat

When it’s hot outside, you will surely get sweaty. Getting soaked in sweat is uncomfortable but it helps your body’s temperature to...

Help Your Cat Cope With Stress

To help your cat deal and cope with stress, try engaging her in physical activities. This not only uses up any excess energy, but it also...

Does Your Dog Love To Eat Stones And Rocks ?

Some dogs may develop the odd habit of eating stones and rocks. This may seem common with some pet dogs, but it must not be allowed to...

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