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Caring For Hairless Cats

Having the necessary know-how to care for your pet hairless cat properly is very important, so be prepared before deciding to adopt one. Hairless cats are special breeds because of the absence of fur, meaning that their skin will need lots of attention. This absence of fur could also lead to various other things that must be considered, such as their temperature.

The skincare of hairless cats begins with weekly baths in order to wash off any excess oils which accumulate on their skin because of the absence of fur. Hypoallergenic cat shampoos that can be purchased off the counter that do not have any dyes and scents should work okay. Be sure that you rinse off any remaining shampoo residue because anything that gets left behind might cause skin irritation. Also, ensure that you dry off your pet properly after bathing so that she does not become too cold.

It is also important to clean the ears of your pet hairless cat. Do this weekly as a hygiene routine. Their ears could quickly become dirty for that same reason as their skin becoming oily, the absence of fur. Should this be your first time cleaning your pet’s ears and you are nervous about it, ask your veterinarian Coral Springs, FL to demonstrate the procedure. This will allow you to safely clean your pet’s ears whenever you bathe her. Visit website to learn more.

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