If you’ve noticed that your cat has been experiencing itchiness in her ears for how many days now, this can give you a signal that something is off. A possible cause of this unusual behavior of your cat would be ear mites.
Though ear mites are quite usual in cats, and the only greater irritant to them is fleas, you should not allow your cat to endure the microscopic bites. These ear mites are considered tiny insects that live inside or around the ear canals of our cats, dogs, and other tamed animals. They are hard to see with our own naked eyes but you can notice them as tiny white-colored speak on the ears of your pet.
The life span for adult ear mites is 2 months and spawn egg its entire life cycle. The mite eggs take around 3 weeks to become adults and repeat the cycle.
Though mites are transmissible from one pet to another, there is less worry about transmitting it from your pet to you. So, when your cat experiences an ear mite, the probable cause would be from your neighborhood dog or cat or a kitty playdate.
Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your vet clinic Carmel Valley.