Do you like to go all-out for Halloween? If so, you may be considering adding dramatic contact lenses to your outfit. That may make for some great social media posts, but be careful. Theatrical lenses can be very dangerous.
Some of the risks include getting a cut or scratch on your eye. This is officially known as a corneal abrasion, and it can lead to serious infections. Infections can also be caused by contaminated lenses, and/or lenses that were made with poor quality products. Some people get allergic reactions from these types of lenses. None of these issues are anything you want to take a chance with. They can lead to permanent vision loss, and, in severe cases, blindness.
That isn't to say you can't wear or use decorative lenses. The main thing is to get a prescription, even if you don't need vision correction, it's important for them to fit properly. Just be sure to only order them from your eye center Brea, CA, and follow all the instructions for care and cleaning to the letter.