Amazing Facts About a Cat’s Tongue
Have you ever looked at or inspected the tongue of your beloved cat? Cat's tongue is vastly different from the tongue of dogs or humans....
Have you ever looked at or inspected the tongue of your beloved cat? Cat's tongue is vastly different from the tongue of dogs or humans....
Have you provided socialization activities to your beloved cat? Your cat can adapt to its surroundings but his ability to do so will be...
Subtle changes to the type and brand of litter can explain recent changes in your cat’s behavior towards its litter box. If your cat...
If you see a dog wandering on the side of the road you should approach with caution. If you are walking along the road with your own dog,...
Feeding your cat people food every now and then is often OK, but you don’t want to feed them too much or too much too often. Some foods...
Have you heard about tear stains in dogs? Tear stains, sometimes called eye stains or tear marks, are commonly caused by molecules that...
Should you keep your cat out at night? This depends on where you live and the time of year. If you live in a heavily wooded area, you may...
If you live on a farm or in a rural area and are looking for a dog then you may want to check out breeds that do well in farm settings....
Does your dog have bad breath? Have you noticed the internet adds and commercials on television for different ways to freshen your dog’s...
When you first bring your cat home or even before you bring your cat home make sure you look for a vet. Your cat will need to have a vet...
You have a dog in your life who is a wonderful companion and you want to make sure you are able to give her everything she needs in order...
You have a feline friend in your life who needs you to be there with her in order to make the most of her daily routine. You know that...
Rabbits can suffer from bloat, too. It’s when gas and fluids build-up inside the stomach. Rabbits are prone to bloat because they are...
Pets that are exposed to particular stressors, most of which are in their immediate environment, exhibit distinct changes in behavior....
A healthy dog needs good nutrition. Dogs should derive nutrients from all food groups such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to ensure...
If you’re taking a vacation or booking a trip but you’re worried about leaving your pet behind, then hiring a pet-sitter might be an...
Using positive reinforcement is considered an effective way of dog training. Positive reinforcement means rewarding your pet’s desirable...
Are you aware of what an "unemployed" pet means and have you ever heard of this term? An "unemployed" pet is one that has an inactive or...
Are dogs able to see colors just like us humans can? Dogs are in fact able to see colors, but they discern colors in a different way than...
Owning one cat can be a wonderful lifestyle change for you and your family. A single cat home can also make for a great atmosphere if you...