Taking your rabbit to an official show can be exciting and a little stressful. Talk to fellow rabbit owners that may also be attending local shows and ask them for show prep tips, etc. You may find that you could show as a group and travel together. In general, before going to the show, you and your rabbit need to do a few things first. If you’re taking multiple rabbits, you will want to make sure you have the right rabbit in the right carrier. The American Rabbit Breeders Association requires all rabbits to have permanent tag numbers in their ear at the time of the show. Be sure your rabbit is tagged and be sure to label his carrier and all accessories with his number. Make sure you pack enough food, water and hay to last for the duration of your time away. Consult with your vet Middletown, DE for further travel details for your rabbit.
More tips can be found at your Galena Animal Medical Clinic.