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Habitat for your Cockatiel


Cockatiels are generally easy keepers and don’t require a lot of special details when it comes to food, housing, and companionship. Your vet can help you decide what type of housing to provide for your cockatiel. Many experts agree that your cockatiel will be most content in an enclosure he is used to. Your local pet store will most likely offer a variety of pre-constructed aviaries or bird cages. The key is to make sure what you choose for your cockatiel will be the appropriate size and comfortable for your feathered friend. Be sure to pick a tall or long shaped cage as your cockatiel will most likely hang out at the top of the cage. A minimum of two feet long is recommended. Make sure the bar spacing is appropriate and made out of a safe material in case your bird chews on it. Ask your vets Scottsdale, AZ for assistance. Visit their homepage to get more information.



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