Did you know that contrary to popular belief, Siamese and other breed felines do not prefer milk over other foods or liquids? Your vet can tell you that even though cartoons and movies usually portray cats as milk lovers, cats (including the Siamese) are actually lactose intolerant. Milk products are actually hard for older cats to digest while younger ones may be able to handle it. For instance, young cats or kittens are able to digest milk; however, as cats age it is believed that they lose the enzyme that enables digestion. Since grown cats cannot digest lactose, it starts to ferment in their stomachs causing diarrhea or in worse cases vomiting. Symptoms of lactose intolerance usually occur within 8 to 12 hours. If your Siamese cat has diarrhea or is vomiting, please call your veterinarian right away. Some cats, however, can tolerate other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. Consult with your veterinarian Ellicott City, MD ahead of time.
Siamese Cats and Milk Products