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Can Eating Cat Litter Be Harmful To Your Dog?

The answer to this question is, it depends. The litter is filled with various materials that can be harmful to dogs not to mention the...

What Could Make My Pet Rabbit Obese?

Since most rabbits spend quite a lot of time inside enclosures, obesity has become a common issue with them. Lack of physical activity...

Can Dogs Get A Concussion?

Even with tough skulls, canines can suffer from concussions. These cases, however, are quite rare with the warning signs relatively...

How To Remove Tear Stains In Dogs

It is a challenge to remove the tear stains that appear on your dog's face. The stains come from the bacteria and fungus growing in the...

Hearing Loss Problems In Cats

If you are noticing that your cat is not responding when you call her, she could just be choosing to ignore you, or, there is that...

When To Seek Help For A Vomiting Dog

Vomiting is a natural reflex for dogs. It is their way of protecting their body from poison and other undesirable substances. If you...

Tips To Help Prevent Your Dog From Getting Ticks

Dogs usually play host to a common parasite called a tick. In the summer months, heavy tick infestations have a tendency to happen, but...

Tips For Keeping A Multi-Pet Home Happy

There are pet dogs and pet cats that can live together harmoniously in the same household, and then there are also those who cannot. If...

How To Protect Your Dog Against Heartworms

Your dog can get heartworms through mosquito bites. An infected mosquito will bite your dog, and the heartworm larva will transfer to...

Possible Signs of FeLV in Cats Like the Manx

Did you know that FeLV or the Feline Leukemia Virus can affect cats of all breeds, sex, and age? If you own a Manx or other type of cat,...

How to Know When to Trim Your Beagle’s Nails

Keeping your Beagle’s nails trimmed or filed down is an important part of the overall health and wellness process. When a Beagle’s nails...

Is Human Bug Spray Ok for Dogs?

When the mosquitoes and other flies and insects get to be annoying you may reach for the bug spray to apply to yourself and others to...

Get To Know FLUTD

Cats affected with Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) can experience difficulty in peeing. Some of the conditions that cause FLUTD are...

Your Dog’s Sense of Smell

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, which is a hundred times more powerful than humans. Dogs use their noses to communicate, explore...

Ways to Tell If Your Chihuahua Is Overheating

It’s important to learn how to recognize when your Chihuahua or other canine breed is too hot. Heatstroke can develop extremely fast and...

Ways to Care for a Persian Mother Cat

If you’re raising a Persian cat and her litter of kittens then you may be wondering what to do when it comes time to wean the kittens....

Siamese Cats Personality Traits

The Siamese cat is a popular breed because of its admirable beauty. It is a medium-sized cat that has a short and glossy coat....

My Cat Has Stopped Using Her Litter Box

Adult cats having issues with using the litter box is oftentimes regarded as the top excuse why they are left at shelters and rescue...

Hearing in Beagles

Does your Beagle appear to be having trouble hearing? If so, give your vet a call and schedule a check-up. Most puppies are typically...

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