You might have noticed that your dog does not look as vibrant as before. His coat is not as shiny and even his skin has dandruff. If this is the case, then your dog might lack the necessary nutrients responsible for improving his appearance. What nutrients are these?
● Vitamin A maintains the good condition of the skin cells and hair follicles. As skin cells divide, the nutrients coming from Vitamin A will ensure that the cells will remain healthy.
● Biotin and other B-complex vitamins ensure healthy tissue growth. Younger dogs are usually more prone to have a biotin deficiency. The puppy with a biotin deficiency will have symptoms that include brittle hair, crusty skin, and loss of the normal hair color.
● Copper also maintains the dog’s natural hair color and prevents its loss. This nutrient also keeps the hair coat soft and shiny.
● Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids maintain the skin’s elasticity, shiny hair coat, and health condition. Omega 6 fatty acids can be found on poultry fat, vegetable oils like corn and canola. Meanwhile, Omega 3 fatty acids are present in canola oil, fish oil, and fish meal.
● Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. This vitamin protects the skin cells from free radicals.
● And last, but not least, is zinc. This nutrient keeps the skin healthy and protected against bacterial and fungal skin infections.
Your veterinarian Virginia Beach, VA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and nutritional needs. Make an appointment today!