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Pet Ferrets And Acute Renal Failures (ARF)


Pet ferrets that experience acute renal failures or ARF means that the animal’s kidney integrity and function are declining suddenly. This eventually leads to irregular body chemistry changes like mineral and fluid imbalance. Irregular changes like these can impact the major body organs negatively. There are different ARF causes in ferrets including urinary bladder rupture, urethral obstruction, toxins, or a decreased blood flow to the animal’s kidneys. Although this illness can affect pet ferrets regardless of age, elderly ferrets seem to have higher incidences. Notable symptoms to watch out for include vomiting, lethargy, appetite loss, and noticeable changes in urine frequency output and water intake. Extreme cases are most often described by a decrease in the output of urine or outright no urine produced at all.

Abrupt changes that you observe regarding your ferret’s urination habits require a visit to your animal hospital Fort Collins, CO. Schedule an appointment today!



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