Personality And Temperament Of Afghan Hounds
Do you know a lot about the beautiful Afghan Hounds? It is not surprising that you barely know about this breed because it has not been...
Do you know a lot about the beautiful Afghan Hounds? It is not surprising that you barely know about this breed because it has not been...
Make way for the king of the terriers as they walk straight into your heart. Yes, the Airedales, dubbed as the largest terrier, can win...
Litter boxes have become a necessity these days and are widely common around the world. Litter boxes are not simply an accessory, but...
Starting training and socialization at a young age is essential for Basenjis. Like any other dog, this breed may turn out timid with the...
Caring for furry felines is quite challenging because of the responsibilities on your shoulders. You should be aware of the things you...
Since cats have specialized and unique dietary needs, it can be challenging to offer your pet cat well-balanced homemade meals. Offering...
As with all hunter hounds, Borzois have an independent mind— crate training can be challenging. People who do not understand them may say...
There are various reasons why your cat does not want to use its litter box. Your cat’s temperament may have nothing to do with it. It is...
Around half of the cats kept as pets today are reported as obese. Therefore, considerations must be taken not only as to what cat owners...
Afghan Hounds look sublime with their long and silky fur coat. But some people find these dogs overwhelming due to their huge size. This...
Mange is a skin disease caused by mites and in dogs, it has 2 types: Sarcoptic – also known as scabies; is highly contagious and may be...
The couch is the very next place of comfort after your bed. In fact, it is more tempting to be a couch potato sometimes. Your couch is...
Belgian Tervurens are very charming. They're also known for their elegance, intelligence, alertness, and humor. They are very firm in...
Urine spraying is a common practice among cats, especially adult ones. Almost all cat breeds spray urine as a form of marking their...
Pink eye is an eye condition commonly experienced by people. This condition occurs when bacteria enter your eyes. When you have this...
According to enthusiasts, the history of Bergamasco Sheepdogs— also known as Bergamschi— began 7,000 years ago in the Middle East. Some...
Even though several flea species could jump much higher, the fleas that commonly infest pet cats and dogs around the world can leap a...
Belgian Tervurens are not for novice dog parents, as their activeness and temperament can be too overwhelming. Herding dogs like Belgian...
Almost every cat will have a vomiting episode, making it quite common. If your pet cat vomits sometimes but is otherwise fine - that is,...
Almost all cat owners know that taking your cat over to the veterinarian for a checkup could be challenging. However, regular veterinary...