As years go by, more and more cat breeds are being developed to address specific preferences or choices. One furry feline friend you might want to consider if ever you intend to adopt a house cat is the Highlander. This breed features a cross-product between the Jungle Curl and the Desert Lynx. First made known to the public in 1993, the Highlanders were known as Highlander Lynx. But the name evolved to suit the cats’ characteristics, which are a combination of the two breeds.
So who are these Highlander cats? They are social, intelligent, gentle, and people-smart cats. They love to be around humans because of their outgoing nature. They can also interact well with children because of their nice attitude and their playful side. Just remember to set boundaries for both parties to ensure their safety. Highlander cats can also interact well with other domestic pets, like dogs.
When it comes to the cats’ playtime, remember that they are active felines that need consistent stimulation to achieve happiness and contentment. So provide them with several toys and cat accessories or furniture to keep them happy and entertained.
Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Metairie, LA. Visit the website.