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Tell-Tale Signs Of Pain In Cats


Cats, by nature, will hide any indicators that they feel some discomfort or pain. This is something that their ancestors passed on to them as a survival instinct so as not to appear weak. But a pet owner who spends hours and hours bonding with their pet regularly might notice subtle indicators of pain that their pets manifest. Below are several of these indicators:

Changes in your pet cat’s levels of activity

Considering how much discomfort your cat is feeling, she might become less active, spending most of her time sleeping compared to what she typically does. Aching joints might keep your pet cat from leaping to elevated spots. There could also be instances where your cat, if in constant pain, becomes restless, or keeps repeating her movements like getting down and then up.


A cat’s meows could be trying to tell you several things. One of them could be discomfort and pain. Cats also vocalize if they feel hurt or anxious.

Various other indicators to be on the lookout for include abrupt changes in your pet’s fur condition, facial expression, posture, sleeping habits, behaviors, appetite, and everyday routine. Self-mutilation has also been observed in some cats when they experience pain, exacerbating the issue.

Abrupt changes observed in your cat’s habits, health, and behavior warrant a checkup with your veterinarian Derby at the soonest time possible.



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