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Too Much Water Intake Is Bad For Your Pet

Drinking too much water for your pet can lead to health problems. This may cause behavioral, psychological, or health changes to your...

When to Wean Your Beagle Pups

If you’re raising a litter of pups you probably have a lot of questions on what to feed them, when to wean them, etc. Your vet can help...

Tips on How To Protect Your Cat from Hairballs

Ingestion of hairball formation can happen in cats due to their grooming practices. While most dogs can dispose of hairs they swallowed...

Tips For Dealing With Behavior issues In Puppies

New pet owners have a tendency to bring home puppies without learning first about what are the training procedures needed once they...

How To Maintain The Health And Well-being Of Dogs

Your vet can help you with your concerns and other questions regarding your dog’s health. Through regular consultation, you can be guided...

What to Do to Make Puppy Housetraining A Success

One of the first responsibilities of a pet owner is to housetrain a puppy that has just been brought to his new home. Here are tips on...

Play Sessions with Your Cat

Cats are naturally playful pets. Part of their pet care needs is to have regular play sessions. They need to engage in daily activities...

Tips To Keep Your Cat Mentally Alert

Like humans, cats also benefit from physical activities that keep them on their toes and also stimulate them mentally. While they are not...

How Heartworms Harm Your Cat

Both cats and dogs can be infected with heartworms, a mosquito-borne disease. When mosquitoes bite an infected animal, the heartworm...

What Are Anal Sacs Of Cats?

The anal glands or sacs in cats are pouches in pair found on either side of the anus before its opening. Sweat glands or sebaceous glands...

How to Prevent Formation of Hairballs in Cats

Hairball formation in cats is common because of their grooming practices. Here are several steps to lessen the formation of hairballs in...

Dehydration In Pet Cats And Dogs

The body of dogs and cats consists of a lot of water (more than 60%). Therefore, you would need to provide enough water for your pet each...

The Right Time to Switch Your Dog’s Food

Changing your dog’s diet is not as simple as putting a different food into the pet bowl. When it comes to switching pet food, the rule of...

Stress-Reducing Tips For Pet Cats

Change is stressful even for our pet cats. Sudden changes in our home or our pet’s schedule can create tension for them. Even the tiniest...

Fleas In Pets

Female fleas can reproduce at a rapid rate. Upon finding a host and feeding on them, one female flea can lay as many as 50 eggs in a...

Coats for Siamese Cats

As a general rule, if it’s too cold for you to stay outside then your Siamese other breed of feline should not be outside either. This...

Diagnosing Gingivitis in Dogs

If your dog has bad breath it could be an indicator of gingivitis or another type of periodontal disease. Call your vet to set up a...

Acne In Cats

The hyperactivity of the sebaceous gland is one of the factors that cause acne in felines, as well as excess sebaceous material and...

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