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  • dvmelite1

Why Should We Take Our Dog For A Walk ?

Walking is an important part of a dog’s wellbeing, it is not just a “potty break”. Aside from physical exercise, walking is also an opportunity for mental stimulation, a chance to meet other dogs, and a chance for behavioral training. Outdoor excursions are also great opportunities to bond with your pet, as well as a good exercise for you. Suffice to say, walking is beneficial for you both.

Regular walks will provide your dog the basic foundation for physical and mental health. Just like a kid, the dog is a curious being and wants to explore the world. Your dog will get bored if you always keep him indoors, and boredom as we know can cause bad behaviors to develop. He is trusting you to bring him out to explore the smells, sights, and sounds of his surroundings. It is also better to take different routes as much as possible every time you take him for a walk. You might notice that he gets excited when he sees you holding his leash because it means spending time outdoors.

Make sure your pet’s vaccinations and preventatives are up to date by inquiring at your animal hospital London, ON. Visit their site to know more.

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