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When To Seek Help For A Vomiting Dog

Vomiting is a natural reflex for dogs. It is their way of protecting their body from poison and other undesirable substances. If you notice that your dog vomits once in a while but appear normal after, then you should not be alarmed. However, if your dog starts to get weak and tired, you should be concerned.

Continuous throwing up may lead to dehydration. If the vomit persists for the whole day, your dog becomes seriously dehydrated. It is best to bring him to the vet to find the cause and to get relief from dehydration.

Always remember that a dog vomits from time to time. If he does not show any other symptoms, then you don't have to worry. But it will help to take note if there will be changes in the dog's condition later on.

On the other hand, if your dog begins to get worse after vomiting, then this is a serious concern. This warrants an immediate visit to the nearest veterinary clinic Metairie LA.

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