Chihuahuas have a tiny stature. It’s very easy to train them how to go to the comfort room and use the litter box. When beginning to potty train them, you can use fake grass or newspaper instead of kitty litter. It’s important to remember that kitty litter is fatal for these breeds.
Low Maintenance – If you want a dog that doesn’t require frequent grooming, a Chihuahua might be the best fit for you. These tiny dogs have short hair, so brushing sessions are minimal.
Long Existence – Chihuahuas have great longevity. They can live up to eleven to twenty years, depending on their care and genetics. Their average life span is a long fifteen years of age.
Travel Buddy – If you’re constantly traveling, then a Chihuahua is a good companion you can bring with you. However, it’s important to note that traveling with your pets around may not always be easy. With a Chihuahua, it will not become a challenging experience. They can sit and behave in the front seat and accompany you in your travels.
Your veterinarian Middletown, DE is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior, visit https://www.galenaanimal.com/ for more information.