Pet cats and dogs typically get bitten by snakes around the legs, ankles, and mouths. A snakebite is small and could be difficult to identify. However, the resulting wound should start swelling quickly, bleed, and even bruise somewhat. The pet will be in a lot of pain, however, how much venom got into the animal will be the indicator of the bite’s seriousness.
A lot of pets will show the same signs if bitten by venomous snakes. Bites from coral snakes are quite different from bites from pit vipers as they could trigger a failure of the nervous system. This could manifest as seizures or tremors. If bitten around the head or the mouth, it could interfere with the animal’s breathing. Some pets might have cardiovascular shock, raising the heart rate, possibly causing the pet to become unconscious, also possibly triggering diarrhea and vomiting. After signs like these manifest, the area of the bite could become black because of the venom, causing various other complications that might be more serious.
If you think your pet has been bitten by a snake, take him to the professional veterinarians Ellicott City MD immediately.