Dogs are social animals. They evolved with humans by their sides over generations. Dogs respond quite well to cues and communication methods of humans. You can gesture towards a food container and after some training, your pet will remember it and respond accordingly when you repeat the gesture. There is even evidence that suggests dogs could respond to the pitch and intonations in the human voice. The bottom line is, dogs and humans coexist well together because of the dog’s ability to learn from their human companions and humans learning from dogs as well. You can communicate with your dog even if you speak different languages.
Dogs are very much aware of what is going on around them. This awareness becomes useful when you train your pet to go through obstacle courses and agility runs. It is quite possible to train your dog to go through complex mazes to locate treats, which tells you that your pet is keenly aware of his environment. Other pets such as cats find that these big spatial puzzles are quite a challenge to navigate. Pet dogs do not just do them, they also enjoy themselves while going through them. It is quite interesting to point out that recent research shows dogs have this unique part in their brains dedicated just to processing the faces of humans.
Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX for your pet’s health and dental checks.