If your pet dog snores a lot, it could mean lots of sleepless nights just listening to your dog snore.
It has been identified that allergies could be a factor that exacerbates snoring. There are some dogs that are allergic to specific allergens around them. And when allergen exposure happens, the affected dog’s snoring might get turned up to eleven. Aside from environmental allergens, your dog’s allergies could also get triggered by specific ingredients in your dog’s meals.
Smoke exposure (second- and/or third-hand) could cause discomfort in dogs. This could also cause labored and heavy breathing and this manifests as snoring when the dog is asleep. Exposing a dog to smoke has also been found to cause critical canine health issues like lung cancer.
Among the best ways of dealing with your dog’s allergies is working with your vet to identify the specific allergens that trigger your pet’s allergies. This way, you can limit your pet’s exposure to that allergen to manage his allergies.
If you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinarian Sarasota FL.