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Understanding Your Cat's Diabetes

Your cat may have diabetes if she has a lack of insulin or her body is unable manage the insulin created. She could develop diabetes at...

Hernia In Dogs

Hernia in dogs can be extremely painful and dangerous. A hernia is characterized by the protrusion of an organ or fatty tissue through a...

Using Treats to Help Your Cat and Kids Get Along

Cats and kids don’t always get along. That’s especially true if you have young kids at home. They can be loud, rowdy, and very young...

Health Issues Of Labrador Retrievers

Although they are generally known to be a hardy breed, Labrador retrievers can still develop health issues, many of which can be...

Why Cats Have A Low Thirst Drive

The ancestors of cats lived in desert regions and their bodies adapted to the existing conditions. There was unsteady water supply and ...

Getting to know a new horse

Looking after a horse is a big endeavor and you want to make sure you are able to offer your pet the best of everything. How can you get...

Pain Management In Dogs With Cancer

Dogs with cancer tend to suffer from a significant amount of pain. To ease their pain and suffering, there are several pain management...

Can Cats get Sunburn ?

Yes, cats can definitely get sunburn if they are exposed to the sun for too long. If your cat likes to stay outdoors, make sure he has...

Can Dogs Stay at Hotels ?

Some hotels offer accommodations for pets, but you need to call ahead of time to book a room. Hotels tend to set apart a block of rooms...

Urinary Tract Infection in Pets

Did you know that your cat and/or dog can get a UTI? A UTI is a Urinary Tract Infection and it’s not only common in people, but it’s also...

What is a life stage diet?

You have a pet in your life who needs you to offer her plenty of healthy foods to eat on a daily basis. What should you know about a life...

Lactose Intolerance In Cats

Have you ever wondered why kittens don’t get digestive upsets when feeding on their mother’s milk? Many adult cats, on the other hand,...

Common feline habits

You have a cat in your life who has a lot of personal preferences and habits that are all her own. How can you tell if something she is...

Helping your dog get the rest she needs

Your dog is a big part of your life and you know that she needs plenty of rest in order to lead a healthy life. How can you help her get...

Tyzzer's Disease In Small Mammals

Tyzzer’s disease is a bacterial infection which is caused by Clostridium piliforme. It can affect many types of small mammals, such as...

Why Many Cats Survive High-Rise Syndrome

Cats have higher chances of surviving after falling from an elevated spot, like a balcony, window, or ledge of a high-rise building....

Ringworm In Rabbits And Guinea Pigs

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection that affect many types of mammals. It is caused by several species of fungi. In rabbits and guinea ...

Stress Buster For Cats -- Play That Meow Mix

Did you know that researchers have discovered that cat-specific music can help lower stress during vet appointments. The study played...

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